Payment Policy/Term

Payments UsingDebit/Credit Cards

All debit & credit cards issued in the USand Canada are acceptable. Additionally, debit & credit cards issued in thecountries mentioned on the billings page are accepted. 


Incase the debit/credit card being used by a person is rejected or hinders thepayment method, then the user will be informed about it inside a span of 24hours. But, for non-debit/credit card payment methods, the time taken may belonger than 24 hours. In case there's a change within the airfare earlier thanpayment is accepted, you'll be informed about the alternate in the price. Inaddition, the payment will be processed only after receiving a confirmationfrom the user’s end. You can select to both accept and reject the changed fare.

Price Guarantee PostPayment:

Onsuccessful payment through debit/credit card, guarantees to render you the stated service forthe charge finally quoted via us for the flight tickets, irrespective of anyvariations introduced within the airfare post payment.

100% Safe and SecurePayment:

Alltransactions are performed under secure and safe payment gateways. For more details,read our privacy policy.

Any flight bookings must be considered confirmedonly while a confirmation mail is sent to your registered email id with all ofthe information. In case, any kind of demerit is suspected in a transaction,just to avoid any kind of hitch, it may be rejected. The specific transactionand the related booking method will be first tested through our dedicated teamof credit card verification. Only after a thorough validation, the transactionwill be performed.